Knife Sharpening on Whetstones: Part 4 of 4 "Honing/Stropping"
We are now at the final stage before you can begin to use your freshly sharpened knife! These last steps, honing and stropping, are very important for the longevity of...
Our Christmas Wishlists
While we oooh and ahhh over everything that comes into the shop and wish we could take it home, that just isn't feasible. So here are the things that we...
Knife Sharpening on Whetstones: Part 3 of 4 "Refining the Edge"
Welcome back! So, last week we talked about Raising a Burr. If you were to start using your knife after that stage, you would notice it would feel rough against...
Knife Sharpening on Whetstones: Part 2 of 4 "Raising a Burr"
So you have assessed your blade and figured out which whetstones you will need, so let's get started with sharpening. The first thing you will need to master is raising...
Knife Sharpening on Whetstones: Part 1 of 4 "Choosing your Stones"
Here at The Cook's Edge, a big part of what we do and what we are passionate about is knife sharpening. Each knife that comes into our shop is first...
Ho Ho Honing Rods (and other great gift ideas)
Hello everyone, We wanted to help you get ahead of the Christmas rush so we made this nifty gift guide to take the guesswork out of choosing the perfect gift...
Adam's 5 Must-Haves For Any Kitchen
Before I opened The Cook's Edge, I was a classically trained chef with a long career of cooking in restaurants. Over the years, no matter whether I was cooking at...
How to Remove Rust From a Knife
Do you have a rusty knife that could use a little TLC? If you are local or willing to ship your knives, you could always let us take care of...
Choosing the Right Oyster Knife
The humble oyster has exploded in popularity and is now a delicacy that can be enjoyed year-round. Here on PEI, we are home to the world-famous Malpeque oyster which can...
Basic Knife Care 101
When you invest in a good kitchen knife you want it to last you a long time. If you follow some simple care instructions you will be able to protect...
Honing vs Sharpening
One of the most common questions asked at the shop is "what is the difference between honing knife and sharpening your knife?" This is a fantastic question, because there is...
The Cook's Edge re-opens May 22nd
As The Cook's Edge makes plans to reopen on May 22nd, we are keeping the safety of both our staff and customers at the forefront of our minds. Even though...