How to Care for Your Larch Wood End-Grain Wooden Cutting Board

How to Care for Your Larch Wood End-Grain Wooden Cutting Board

It is no secret that we LOVE Larch Wood cutting boards. We use them at home, we sell them in the shop and we think that they are the best end-grain cutting boards that money can buy. Let's discuss what makes them so great and how to properly care for them so they will last your lifetime (and maybe your grandchildren's as well). 

About Larch Wood; A Small, Local Company Dedicated to Superior Craftmanship and Sustainable Practices. 

Larch Wood Enterprises is located in Margaree NS, Canada, on beautiful Cape Breton Island where it has been in operation since 2003. They specialize in making professional quality, end-grain cutting boards and countertops. Their products are made with locally harvested Canadian larch trees, also known as tamarack or juniper, which grow in abundance on Cape Breton Island. 

Why Use Larch Trees?

They are a fast growing tree species that is both sustainable and local. The wood from these trees is durable but also flexible and has the additional benefit of being antimicrobial. These qualities make them especially suited for cutting boards. 

Why We Love Larch Wood Cutting Boards:

  • Durable- Seriously, these boards will last forever. 
  • Stable- A very important feature for any cutting board. When using a sharp knife, you always want to be cutting on a stable surface. End-grain cutting boards are also less likely to warp, especially if cared for properly.
  • Beautiful- These boards are so pretty you won't mind having it displayed in your kitchen full-time. They also make for impressive display/cheese boards.
  • Feet- Larch Wood boards have little feet in each corner that lift the board 3/8" off of the counter. This prevents your board from coming into contact with moisture on the counter, increases stability and makes it easier to pick up your board to move it. 

To protect your investment in your new awesome cutting board, make sure you follow these simple steps. If you care for your board properly, there is no reason these boards will not last for generations. 

Board Care- General Rules:

  • Don't store your board in a hot place (like close to the stove) or in direct sunlight.
  • Make sure to dry your board well before storing in a cupboard.
  • Don't place hot pots and pans from the stove or oven on your board.

Board Care- Cleaning:

  • Never put your board in the dishwasher.
  • Don't submerge your board in water. You can wash your board under warm (not hot) running water using a cloth or scrubby and a mild dish detergent.
  • To deep clean your board, apply salt to the top of your board and scrub with a lemon that has been cut in half. Rinse well.
  • Never use abrasive cleaners or chemicals on your board (including bleach). Vinegar is ok but lemon juice is even better for cleaning your board. 
  • Do not put baking soda on your board, it will dehydrate your board and leave permanent dark stains. 

Board Care- Maintenance (how to properly condition your board):

  • Conditioning all surfaces of your board is a must. A properly conditioned board will repel moisture, stains and odours. Conditioning should be done weekly for the first month of owning your board and monthly after that. You can do it more often if you are using/cleaning your board a lot or if you notice it feeling dry. 
  • You can use Clapham's Board Conditioner or any board conditioner that is a mix of wax and high-quality food-grade mineral oil. Avoid cooking oils as some types can go rancid on your board. 
  • Using a dry cloth or paper towel, apply a generous amount of the conditioner to all surfaces of your board. Let it absorb and then buff the board with a dry cloth.

We just got in a new shipment of these awesome boards, check out them out HERE!

If you have any questions about Larch Wood cutting boards, please contact us! We are always happy to answer any questions you may have. 

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